Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Demensional Analysis

This week we learned about demensional analysis. We used demensioanal analysis to convert one quantity to another. For example if you want to convert 8.00m to inches you have to use demensional analysis to get there. For this problem you will multiply 8.00mX 100cm/1m X 1in./2.54cm=315 in. For the most part i had a good understanding of this concept because we learned how to do most of it in trig this year . In case you need more help with dimensional analysis here are two videos:
Video 1
Video 2

Here are some examples of dimensional analysis:

Also here is a conversion table that might help:


  1. Kayla, I felt the same way since I am also currently taking Trigonometry. I really appreciate your pictures and videos you accompanied your post with; they provide a clear understanding of the subject and explain this topic effectively.

  2. The picture of the conversions to metric measurements really helps!

  3. I agree that being in trig defiantly helped with this unit! I love your pictures and they really helped me before the test go over everything!

  4. Thanks for the Conversion table, it really helped with the LM cooking project

  5. These conversion tools and explanations helped me review a lot today, thank you for the help. I needed this after that test on thursday... it's going to be hard to recover from that one...
