Friday, October 23, 2015

Significant Figures

Yesterday in class we learned about significant numbers. This was a difficult concept to learn because you have to overlook previous math knowledge. One of the most important things we learned during this lesson was the rules of significant numbers:
In the number:
  • The first 0 is not significant and is only there for "cosmetic purposes"
  • The next two zeros are not important either and are used only to locate the decimal points
  • The non zero integers are significant
  • All zeros in between the non zero numbers are significant
  • Significant zeros to the numbers to the right of the decimal point
Here are some videos to help with this concept:
Video 1
Video 2
Sig Fig Song :)


  1. I agree that this can be a difficult topic, it took me awhile to finally understand it.

  2. I agree that this can be a difficult topic, it took me awhile to finally understand it.

  3. I can agree that at first, this concept was difficult. Not thinking about previously learned math skills was hard, but once I got it, I felt really confident!

  4. I also agree that it was difficult to forget previously learned math rules. It felt like I was completely relearning how to round, but through practice, I eventually understood it. Now I feel really confident though and hope this skill stays fresh in my mind.
