Sunday, March 6, 2016

Unit Test Reflection

The test was 50 questions. I appreciate this because even if you miss a couple it wont hurt your grade too much. I didn't do to well on the quiz but I came in for help before school and did all of the online tests as well as the worksheets. I believe I did okay on it but there are still some concepts I can improve on such as periodic trends like electron affinity. Also here are some links that were helpful:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
 Flashcards 6


  1. I really liked some of these videos! They were very helpful

  2. I completely agree. I loved the test bing long because I know there was a few i was shaken on. I really liked your links! I saw some of the same videos and I think they really helped!
